
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Blake found the cabinet with his snacks. He has figured out how to unlatch the "child-proof" cabinet locks. So much for that! Now it's time for Mommy and Daddy to figure something else out! Meanwhile, Blake will grab himself a snack whenever he wants! We'll just see about that!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Tree hunting

We went out looking at Christmas Trees.  Blake was not sure what to think of the prikley branches of the tree. Hopefully he won't mess with the tree to much at home. Fingers Crossed.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Town at Busch Gardens

Picture with Pierre the Penguin at Christmas Town Busch Gardens, Williamsburg. What a fun day! Really helps get you in the Christmas mood!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Blake speed walking

Blake is on the move in high gear. Go Blake Go!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Blake went as a ninja for his first halloween outing. He is ready to kick butt. Just ignore the fact that he needs his mom to help him walk.

He is still learning to use his nunchucks. With more practice the young grasshopper will master this skill.

Fight for the dog bed.

Blake and Chance are always fighting for the dog bed. Today Blake won, as usual. He celebrates with a fist pump.

Blake teases the puppy!

Blake thinks it's funny to tease the puppy. He's right. Just listen to that laugh, it is infectious.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I think I can (WALK)

Blake is trying to walk. He is getting pretty good, but gets excited an falls. He will figure out soon. Oh man, we're in trouble.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

At the aquarium

Blake and Cheryl in a tunnel of fish.

He couldn't stop looking at all of the fishies. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chance is going to nibble Blake's toes until he can have his toys back.

Blake and Chance in deep discussion about the toy situation.

Another carrot catastrophe! Blake likes to wear his carrots, the orange suits him.

I told that dog, this is my toy!

Family portrait

I think he likes having his picture taken. What do you think?

Blake sporting his muscle man shirt and another big smile!

Damn mosquito bit Blake right on the forehead. He had to tell me all about it. How traumatic!

Those little hands want to get into everything! I am glad those were the clean dishes!

Mommy and Blake getting ready for bed and looking at the dinosaur book.

You may have to zoom in but you can see the little bump of a tooth.

I'm such a big boy!

Blake says all the toys are his toys!

Now, why won't Mommy and Daddy let me have chocolate?

Just look at those chubby cheeks! Don't you want to pinch 'em!

Blake is just a drool machine!

Blake loves to smile for the camera! Say Cheese!

Mommy and Blake are reading a story. Don't you just love the Berenstain Bears!

Now isn't he just a goofy little man.

Blake likes to sleep with his butt up in the air. Now doesn't that look comfy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Norfolk Botanical Gardens

These pics are from Blake's first trip to the botanical gardens. As you can see he was so warn out from all the excitement he had to take a nap.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blake and his toy Woofer

Blake enjoys his toy dog Woofer. It use to be one of my favorite toys. I'm glad it could be passed down.

Friday, July 29, 2011

At the park

We took Blake to the park while the weather was not to hot. He really enjoyed the swings.

Swing Blake Swing!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hah! Let me see you try to do this Daddy!
Blake is playing with his rings and sitting on the cool blanket that Great Grandma Joyce made him.

Let me out! I wanna play! Blake likes to pull down the bumper on his crib and play peek-a-boo!
Blake's drinking apple juice from his big boy cup! He can hold it all on his own!